Update uit Vienna, in Solidariteit

Hier een kopie van de declaratie die naar buiten is gebracht naar aanleiding van de bezetting van de Academie voor de Kunsten in Vienna, door studenten en docenten en staf op 20 oktober. Vanuit de bezetting: “there are still more than 2500 people in the main lecture hall (audimax) and around. there’s food, music and political debate, and the clear will to continue the occupation and keep the new space that we have opened up for our self organization.”

De declaratie:

Make a change now!

Unbearable conditions in the educational system have forced us students to mobilize!

The Bologna Process in Europe has lead a economization of education and universities are turned into educational institutions for private corporations.

We have squatted the main building and are resisting!

We call for following movements, solidarity campaigns and resistance by all European univer sities!

We claim:

-enough money for each university place

-free access to education

-all real democratization of the universities

-self-determined learning and living instead of pressure to perform

-no restrictions to master degrees

-independent teaching and research

-stop precarious working conditions

-no restricted extra curricula

-stop neoliberalism!

We encourage all European universities to demonstrate solidarity – tomorrow, Friday, the 23rd October 2009!