Solidarity with Sussex Against Privatization

Dear students and workers of Sussex University,

In these days of crisis the commodification of education is a problem we have to face worldwide. Rising tuition fees, the ever-increasing corporate influence in the university, the declining quality of education and the increasing workload for workers are all symptoms of this problem. Next to this is a decline in university democracy, with both workers and students having no voice in the decisions being made by the management, the state and the market.

Privatization of services will increase job insecurity for workers active in these services, it will make profit the most important goal instead of serving students and workers and might be the first steps towards complete privatization of the university and education as a whole. History has shown us time and time again that autonomy and quality will deteriorate with privatization and the feeling of community is lost. Education is the key to liberation, not a market commodity, and it is worth fighting for.

We have to realize that we cannot rely on so called ‘leftwing’ politicians to reverse these trends, as they too have internalized the neoliberal logic as we have all witnessed. The only way to effectively resist is to empower each other and strike back through grassroots organizing and direct action. Kritische Studenten Utrecht (Critical Students Utrecht) supports the occupation and the fight against privatization and for democratic control of the university.

The struggle for autonomy and control of our lives transcends all these divisions dominant culture imposes upon us (nationality, gender, “race”, species, etc.) to keep us fighting each other and to perpetuate oppression.

In solidarity,
Kritische Studenten Utrecht

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